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SLOW FOOD recommendation ror Morwllino Restaurant

In today’s world, dominated by incessant rush, people live under the pressure of haste. They work a lot, relax little and they limit their everyday pleasures to an indispensable minimum. Food has been reduced to its nutricion role, and the pleasure of celebrating meals has been marginalized.

What is Slow Food about?

It is since 1986 that the Slow Food organization and social movement has defended the right to relax, unwinding and the pleasures of good cuisine, It gathers the people who are interested in the protection of traditional cuisine from diverse regions of the world and the farming traditions characteristic for them.

Members of the organization object to the ‘fastfoodization’ of like, understood as perceiving food only in consumption categories, constant rush and incessant stress.Slow Food promotes a lifestyle interacting with nature, expressed by popularizing high-quality, healthy, ecological and local food products from all over the world. It is a worldwide movement for the protection of the right for taste.

Slow Food at the Gleboczek

The philosophy of the Slow Food movement is very close to the values acknowledged at the  Gleboczek Vine Resort & SPA. The Gleboczek is a place where we do our best to relish free time, each other’s company and exceptional silence. Such praise for leisure has also seeped into our cuisine. We create unique dishes, constituting a fusion of the taste of traditional Polish and light mediterranean cuisines.

We reach for regional and fresh products, originating from local providers. Owing to this, our cuisine abounds in unique, seasonal dishes, diversified in taste, which can be enjoyed with no rush, in the company of our loved ones and a bottle of good wine.

We are the elite

That is why bestowing the prestigious Slow Food recommendiation to the Morellino restaurant at the Gleboczek Vine Resort & SPA is a great honour to us. All the more so as only four restaurants in Poland may boast the recommendation of Slow Food Poland. The Morellino restaurant from the Gleboczek Vine Resort & SPA is the fifth restaurant which joined that elite group.

We are proud that our efforts to protect and popularize traditional, high-quality products have been appreciated. We hope that thanks to such recommendation a growing number of people will have a chance to discover the exellent dishes served here, while at the same time enjoying the peace and quiet and hastelessly experiencing the richness of diverse tastes of Gleboczek.

The Head Chef

Marian Frankowski